[page-slider items=”2″ image_url1=”http://www.cebih.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/aims2.jpg” image_url2=”http://www.cebih.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/cebih-objectives2.jpg” [/page-slider]
[stable rows=”10″ columns=”1″ content11=”AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COMMITTEE” content21=”To articulate and contribute views on the formulation and implementation of policies, laws and regulations affecting E-payment” content31=”Collaborate with and advise CBN on regulations affecting E Business in Banking in the country” content41=”To ensure compliance by Card Associations, Vendors and suppliers to operate within the regulatory framework set by CBN” content51=”To promote the Global Best Practices in the operations of E-Banking in Nigeria” content61=”To encourage and facilitate a forum for interaction and exchange of information, ideas and experiences among members” content71=”To collaborate with members, law enforcement agencies, and regulators to combat Fraud in e Banking” content81=”To promote public awareness on the use and value of electronic channels” content91=”To promote Interoperability of all e channels” content101=”To ensure the attainment of Vision 20: 2020 goals” content111=”To promote a Cashless society and Such other aims and objectives that the Committee may determine, from time to time.”]